Management Department

About Department

The Department of Management was started in 1997. Courses in the program are designed and updated in such a way that they prepare graduates to manage businesses in the marketing, human resources, banking, finance, logistics, supply chain, and other areas of both the manufacturing and service industries. Our department kindles students’ aspirations for entrepreneurship and guides them to shine as successful entrepreneurs in life. It helps the student develop decision-making abilities in real-time business situations. It also focuses on developing operational and analytical skills in students to tackle business problems in different sectors. The aim of the department is to enhance competence in career positioning and provide opportunities to become global business and management professionals. The program expects a serious commitment from the student to take on challenging study schedules and assignments.


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Courses Offered


Our Vision

  • To impart education to aspiring management students through innovative methods to meet their intellectual needs and mould them to handle practical life situations with confidence

Our Mission

  • Training and creating innovative management professionals to expose their fullest potential and core competencies.


Programme Objectives

  • PEO1 Graduates will be capable of making a positive contribution to business, trade and industry in the national and global context in the IT era.
  • PEO2 Graduates will be able to apply frameworks and tools to arrive at informed Decisions in profession and practice, striking a balance between business and social dimensions.
  • PEO3 Graduates will have a solid foundation to pursue professional careers and take up higher learning courses such as MBA, MCA, MCM, MMM as well as research.
  • PEO4 Graduates with a flair of self-employment will be able to initiate and build upon entrepreneurial ventures or demonstrate intraprenuership for their employer organizations.
  • PEO5 Graduate will recognize the need for adapting to change and have the aptitude and ability to engage in independent and life – long learning in the broadest context of socio-economic, technological and global change.

Programme Outcomes

  • PO1 - Develop the knowledge, skill and attitude to creatively and systematically apply the principles and practices of management, accountancy, finance, business law, statistics, HR, operations and IT to management problems and work effectively in modern day business and non-business organizations.
  • PO2 - Develop fundamental in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles, concepts, values, substantive rules and development of the core areas of business such as finance, accounting, marketing, HR, operations along with the tools such as Tally, MS Excel, MS Office, etc.
  • PO3 - Demonstrate the critical thinking mindset and the ability to identify and formulate research problems, research literature, design tools, analyze and interpret data, and synthesize the information to provide valid conclusions and contextual approaches across a variety of subject matter.
  • PO4 - Exhibit self-confidence and awareness of general issues prevailing in the society and communicate effectively with the accounting, commerce, management, business, professional fraternity and with society at large through digital and nondigital mediums and using a variety of modes such as effective reports & documentation, effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO5 - Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings by demonstrating life skills, coping skills and human values.
  • PO6 - Analyze the sampling techniques of collecting primary and secondary data and tools and techniques of data.
  • PO7 - Understand the methods of collecting primary and secondary data. Construction of scaling techniques and Determine the steps involved in design of questionnaire. Analyze and preparation of project report for the Functional areas of research.
  • PO8 - Determine the functional areas of management such as Production, purchasing, marketing, sales, advertising, finance, human resource system, Industry 4.0Understand the SERQUAL of the various service industries.
  • PO9 - Analyse the various aspect of business research in the area of marketing, human resource and Finance.
  • PO10 - Analyse the various financial and accounting concept including Balance sheet , trial balance, etc.,

Faculty Details

Dr.M.MEKALA M.B.A.,M.Com.,M.Phil.,PGDCA.,Ph.D.,

Associate Professor And Head

Mr.N.THANGARAJ M.B.A., M.Phil.,PGDCA.,(Ph.D).,

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor

Mr.P.Boopalan B.Sc.,M.P.Ed.,

Physical Director

Mrs.S.Menaka M.Com., M.Phil., M.L.I.S.,
